At Bonita Video LLC, we are particularly proud of our professional relationships, and community involvement. Every year, we cherish the opportunities to work pro bono, with our friends of the Rotary clubs of Bonita Springs, and Estero, the Bonita Springs Lions Club, the Bonita Springs Historic Society, the Bonita Springs Everglades Wondergardens, the Estero Historic Society, the Zonta Club of Bonita Springs and Estero, the Estero ECCL, among many other organizations, and initiatives. We are also proud founding partners of the Bonita Springs Short Film Festival, to which we commit funds, and resources, in order to showcase the work of our community of film makers on the big screen. Bonita Video LLC mirrors the values of our community.
For over a decade, Bonita Video, LLC has been the City of Bonita Springs, multimedia consultant, both as in-house, and special events’ programming production, and scheduling, and as a programming partner of the Bonita Springs Television Government Channel, distributed 24/7 on Comcast, Century Link, Hotwire, and Summit. We are also the Village of Estero Live, and on-demand, streaming operations, managing consultant.
In addition, Bonita Video LLC has been producing the Bonita Springs Fire Department Fire Commissioners‘ meetings, safety videos, PSAs, and special events for almost a decade.
Bonita Video LLC also provides drone services, broadcasting facilities design and installation, and a variety of consulting services in municipal media legislation.